Creating a case study video is a great way of video marketing. A case study video is reasonably quick to shoot and doesn’t require much in the way of extra resources or time. Case studies work especially well with people’s experiences or recommendations in them – in other words, a testimonial video.
As a highly experienced video production company we have crafted many successful productions of this nature and will work with you in making an engaging case study video to fulfil all your marketing objectives.
- ‘People buy people’, so turn that to your advantage
- A cost-effective way of production
- Ideal for physical products AND services
What if we told you that your corporate video production could be cost-neutral – if effect, pay for itself? There are many video marketing companies out there but few who understand the realities of marketing better than SPL. We’ve worked alongside (and inside) ad agencies and marketing companies for years, so understand the demand for an ROI on everything.
But what if we said we could show how to make case study video pay for itself? Would that spark your interest in a video case study or two?
For more info on how to leverage video to do just that and to find out how effective are case studies, contact us today!

Ask why are case studies important, and we’ll answer by using the expression ‘people buy people’.
A case study video is one of the most powerful ways to give authority to video marketing. That’s why testimonials are so important to feature. People who are willing to go on camera and say intelligent things about you, your service or your product and perhaps the solutions that your company brought to bear are far more credible than any voiceover or presenter. People believe them!
Whether they’re from customers, colleagues or consultants, a well-structured testimonial interview is a powerful thing and should feature heavily in any case study film.
And as part of a marketing case study – especially for b2b video marketing – getting the right people to give the right testimonials about your product or service is exactly what we’re great at.

As we’ve said, making an effective case study video is all about using video testimonials to tell your story. Your video content will need to work hard – as your corporate video will have to compete with many others to get attention.
Let’s be clear – having testimonials on film is far more powerful than just a written recommendation from a client or a peer. OK, it takes a little more organisation to achieve, but a video testimonial is far more influential!
So always consider testimonial video as part of a case study. It’s what makes the story come alive!

In most cases it’s not going to make for interesting video content if you carry out a case study interview with only one person. That is, unless that person is really ‘must-see’ viewing – or unless it’s something very personal. Ideally you want a selection of people, each telling a different part of the story or looking at it from a different viewpoint. In this way, you keep up the viewer’s interest and cover a lot more ground, more quickly.
In our experience, a typical case study video that really makes an impact contains contributions from several people. This is the normal type of video testimonial we’d recommend.

How to write a case study is not as easy as you might think. After all, you can’t write what people are going to say, right? Wrong.
Your video production company needs to ensure questions are prepared that interviewees will fully respond to as well as ensuring that their possible answers tell the story in the style and language intended. That isn’t always the same thing, so your interviewer needs to be fully up to speed with the film’s aims and ambitions and be able to pose alternative questions to elicit the answer that’s required.
Like most things in this business, preparation is everything and as we are highly experienced in filming testimonial interviews, we’re happy to share our tips and tricks with you.

Here are a few of our recent case study examples. We’ve chosen them to show different types of video testimonials. All the videos discussed are featured here.
Excel Dental: The first example of case study is the simplest – just one person. But don’t be fooled. Asking the right questions in the right way makes it look easy. There’s a lot of careful editing involved!
Content Guild: This case study example combines the principals of the company together with a client testimonial, showing how using a variety of voices tells the story more quickly and effectively.
Solvo Vir / Recruitment Business: Again a couple of client testimonials together with unscripted interviews (but carefully crafted questions to elicit the right response.)
Steamhaus / This case study example combines testimonials and interviews from staff. We produced several of these featuring different clients.
Arvia Technologies: This case study was one of several we made jusing interviews combined with filming their facilities. Later, with a limited budget and using existing footage we also made an ‘about’ video – an example of getting more use out of existing assets.
If one of these case study examples strikes you as what YOU need for your next video, please get in touch.
People have short attention spans so need punchy stuff otherwise they will click away. So the question of how long should a case study video be depends a lot on the subject matter and the intended target audience.
A corporate video production needs to tell a convincing story – but sometimes quite an involved one – in as short a time as possible without rushing or cheapening the subject matter. By their vary nature, some testimonial videos cannot be rushed – and they shouldn’t be!
So really the answer is they should be as long as they need to be – and not a second more!

While every case study film is different, there are a few conventions that are worth bearing in mind, so here’s our case study template:
First like every film it needs a beginning, a middle and an end; then basically it’s how to do a case study 101: first explain the problem or issue, then describe what the solution was and finally explain the result and any feedback.
In theory, that’s it. But there’s rather more in how to make a case study video when you start looking at it in more detail. Fortunately for our clients, they can reap the benefit of our years of experience in putting these together!

In b2b video marketing, it’s important that every piece of communication is as cost-effective as possible. Most case study videos combine testimonials with other footage – sometimes even re-using some from other productions for the same client – a saving in itself.
In most cases, people interviewed in case study videos will not be charging for their time but sometimes a camera crew may need to travel to interview them. ( I have been to Chernobyl and as far afield as Manilla for this!) But compared with making all-singing, all dancing TV ads, the cost is not prohibitive.
A second reason why case study video is worth the money is because of all the additional uses you can get out of what you shoot. For instance, many different edits of your film can be made – right down to very short cuts featuring just the ’bones’ of the story to acts as a teaser on social media. And for this, it’s also possible to re-format the video for a portrait or square screen size.
So that’s why case studies are useful – and they can be cost-effective and powerful too. So your only question is which company will make my next video case study?

We’d like to suggest SPL Communications for your next production! We’ve been in business for 25+ years and we like to think we know a thing or two about the production of not just corporate video but more specifically, case study video.
Over the years we’ve shot video testimonials with clients all over the the UK and abroad, so we have a pretty good idea of what works and what doesn’t.
As a long-established video production company we have the background, the expertise and the enthusiasm to do a great job for your next case study video – why not ask us for a quote?
